Home Based Business 4U Blog

Is Blogging For Network Marketing Worth It?

In a word, yes! Blogging for network marketing is more than worth it and in this post I will explain why.

Blogging For Network Marketing Helps Build Influence

blogging for network marketing
Network Marketing Blogging

If you want to build your influence all over the country, or even the World, then blogging is a great way to do that. As a home business owner, whether a network marketer or not, blogging is very helpful in growing your reach and developing your influence in your market.

How can this be?

Because when you share things that you have learned with the outside world, your readers will start to see you as a “giver”. Then they start to like and trust you because you are giving out great value to them.

If you are prepared to share, do you think people will be happy to join you or buy from you if they like and trust you? Of course they will!

Even if you do an honest review of a product and show results in images or a shared video in your post, people will see you are genuine and trustworthy and will want to read more from you.

If I Choose Blogging, What Can I Write About?

You can write about almost anything you want to. The best thing is to keep it relevant to your business activities though. Even sharing your progress for the week can help your readers.

People in general will have some misgivings about working a home business, especially in Network Marketing because of the bad press it sometimes gets. If they can see that you are an ordinary person just like them, and you are having some success in your business, they will start to believe they can do it too.

Blogging is your opportunity to share your thoughts to the world and help more people. As your readership grows, your influence will grow with it. The more you blog, the better you get at it.

Are There Current Influencers That Are Blogging For Network Marketing?

For sure. Most of the top influencers in the world are blogging for network marketing.

These include:

These are just a few. Go check them out and see what they do. All you need to do is create your own style and if people like what you say and do, you will be see your business grow.

Top Tip: Learn from the influencers and do what they do! They are successful for a reason.

You May Ask What Do I Have in Common With These Influencers?

The one thing everyone has in common is this:

You all have to start as a beginner!

I remember Ray Higdon telling his story about blogging. He just started writing and following instructions from people like Rob Fore, who also taught me a lot from his courses. Rob became a SEO expert and created courses on that subject that were very successful.

After a while, Ray’s blog started to get some traction and he was getting people coming to him to learn more and join his business. He also continued to recruit through communication and talking to people, which is how he could share so much great content and education for anyone in Network Marketing.

Ray’s blog now has thousands of followers, very high traffic and is the core of his business online. He may not be running a network marketing business anymore, but he was very successful and can help so many people in his training.

The point here is we ALL start somewhere. Starting is the most important thing because you can only improve by doing.

If you have your own blog, that’s brilliant. If you don’t, why don’t you consider joining our community where we train you on the basics of blogging.

You can check out our system here.

So, is blogging for network marketing worth it? I think you will agree that it is. Follow the leaders and make a difference starting today.

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